Speciality Greek Teas

Enjoy Greek Teas & Infusions

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A range of speciality teas now available

Co-owner of The Hive, Emma Wood, is no stranger to healthy cuisine. Having spent many years living in Greece – during which time she regularly trekked across the Northern mountain region with family including a herdsman and an orthodox Monk – Emma has developed a deep understanding of the use of traditional herbs in both food and drink.

It’s been wonderful to see the interest our customers have taken in the health benefits of our Greek teas since we introduced them earlier this year. Scroll down to see our full range of honey and herbal infusions.

Order any one of the teas below for £2.80 per infusion pot

Complimentary lemon if requested. 50p extra for Stevia (candy herb natural sweetener), or choose from our wide range of delicious honey: Cranbrook honey * Pure Kent honey * Greek Thyme honey * Greek Wildflower honey.

Mountain tea (Sideritis purpurea)

Sometimes known as Ironwort, this genus of flowering plants is widely known for its use in herbal medicine and tea, and is also historically known as “Shepherd’s Tea” because Greek shepherds would brew tea out of the plants while herding their flocks on the mountains. With a high flavonoid content, it helps to relieve an upset stomach and aids digestion; and is also used to treat tonsillitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and the common cold. A herbal infusion with lemon and honey is antiseptic and cleanses the throat. Recent studies show it prevents osteoporosis and also helps fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

Olive leaf (Olea europaea spp. Microcarpa alba)

This tea has been enjoyed by ancient Greek civilisations since olives were first cultivated. Tender, young leaves and spring buds are dried naturally to preserve their nutritional value. Apart its great flavour, Olive leaf tea also has detoxifying and healing properties, and is exceptionally rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, providing an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal boost. It’s great for colds, flu and infections, but also contains oleuropein, a unique phenolic compound that has been found to have therapeutic effects for many conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

St. John’s Wort tea is used for injured nerves, neurological conditions, injuries caused by bumps or sprains, neuritis, nerves, insomnia and nervous system weakness. It also helps with speech disorders, irregular sleep, hysteria and sleepwalking, night-time enuresis and depression, as well as strengthening the female organs and promoting a regular menstrual cycle. It is a powerful plant and should not be taken with other medication. Please note, you should consult your doctor before consuming this tea, and a member of our serving staff will ask whether you are on any medication before agreeing to serve this to you.

Lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora)

With its zesty citrus flavour, Lemon verbena has detoxifying properties, is a natural digestive and helps with stomachache and kidney stones. It stimulates stomach function, relieves flatulence and has soothing properties.

Sage (Salvia fruticosa)

Wonderful as a herbal infusion or sprinkled over roast meat, fish or vegetables (which we serve), it imparts a savoury peppery flavour. Sage is an astringent, antiseptic, tonic herb with a camphor-like aroma. It is high in antioxidants, purifies the blood and ensures healthy respiratory organs, stomach and bowel function. It is also used to treat ulcers, gingivitis, tonsillitis and throat disorders.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

As a cousin of common mint, highly refreshing Spearmint is a favourite herb in Greek cooking. It is widely used in tomato-based sauces and meat dishes, such as meatballs (which we serve). Spearmint is anti-spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory and, in high doses, an aphrodisiac. It is good for digestion, and stimulates bile production and liver function. It helps with flu, enteritis and easing cramps.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

With a distinct mellow flavour, chamomile dried blossoms offer one of the most relaxing infusions before sleeping. Meaning ‘earth apple’ in Greek, it helps to relieve stomach gases and diarrhoea, rashes, stomach problems and gastritis, menstrual disorders, menopause, insomnia, fever, wounds and toothache. It is also used as a compress for irritated eyes.

Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Nettle helps to ease rheumatism and improve blood circulation. It is considered aphrodisiac, haemostatic, antianemic, antidiabetic, diuretic and laxative. It helps to regulate and improve the gland system, maintaining normal body weight. It may also help with hypertension, arthritis as it dissolves uric acid.